Well since I don't know when I ovulated..I am guessing probably the 5th..I am just going to count my days since EWCM...and so the wait begins until either I get a BFP or AF comes. I haven't been feeling good, non-maybe baby related, I think I pulled something in my chest because it hurts....and my back where I had a injury years ago due to a car accident has been hurting..so I am thinking I lifted one of the boys wrong...I need Matt to really massage it out (my back) but its hard when he works midnights...
My left breast was leaking colostrum again the other day. I told Matt and he is concerned. I told him I will go to the Dr once I start my AF..after the holidays are over. I am hoping I get a BFP and won't have to worry about it. I already have odds stacked against me... I really don't want to know or hear that now my hormones are all jacked up so thats 1 more reason I will not be able to get pregnant. Matt is concerned that it may stop us from getting pregnant so thats why he is concerned.... I haven't had a period since October 28th so I know something isn't right. I dont know..I guess I am just trying to think baby and not another issue with ME causing us to not be able to have our last baby like we hope.
Thats about it for now.....I will update more once we get further into this wait....The baby can't even implant for like a week so nothing good is even gonna happen for awhile.
Testing will start the 16th or 17th!
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